Thursday, April 7, 2016

A piece of my Heart

A beautiful day and a visit with my neighbor, Mary.  Her Mother's Day was centered around the excitement and joy of the birth of their grandson Simon just last week as she shared the wonderful moments of Simon's arrival.  Grandjoy--

The phone rang,  my sweet Ellie began to sing Happy Mother's Day to me as my tears began to flow.  I could hardly speak as the news had come a couple of months ago.  Brian, Rachel, Ellie and Cash would be leaving Spokane for a move to Los Angeles and we would, once more, become long distance granddparents to Ellie and Cash. I want so much to put on a good face, to not think about how much time might pass without seeing our beloved grandjoys but somehow I could never have imagined such distance between us.  But life is a fluid adventure, ever-changing and I know I must once again embrace God"s plan for each of us in our little family.  My mind will always reflect on the little faces of my Ellie and Cash as they ran to their front door for a hug as we arrived and the anticipation of a day at The Lake House as their car pulled in the driveway. It won't be long before the packing will begin and they will begin to travel to their new home far from those who love them most and I will find a empty place in my heart that longs for the site of them.  At the same time, once again, joy and sorrow will live together.  Our joy, Rachel, Brian, Ellie & Cash, our sorrow so many miles away.  It's in God's hands----

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