Monday, September 22, 2014


Unexpected tears surprise me as I began my drive home pondering the last few weeks and the sweet reunion today with my cousins Mina Jo and Brent.  So many years have past since our times together as children, times with our beloved Grandma & Grandpa Gerry, the parents of our father's.  Great Aunts
Elida and Mary, Grandma's sisters took their place as a very large presence in all our lives as young children.  The days were magical in the little yellow, sometimes pink and finally red house with the swing in the willow tree.  There was a hammock for a nap or for wrestling with each other, a picnic table for our lovely summer meals together in Grandma & Grandpa's yard surrounded by a beautiful flower garden.  I couldn't wait for my cousins to visit.  Grandma would sit in her chair by the window watching for their arrival, anticipated for days, but a visit never long enough.  We were family and we loved. It was June in 1968 and a day of remembrance for me as the call came that my sweet Grandmother had suffered a stroke and was unlikely to recover.  As Grandma left us, our family
faltered and we suffered what was to become a breach of 45 years in our relationship with my cousins.
We all grew up, married and had our own children without each other, without a relationship, or understanding of what could have separated us all these years. But then----It was April 6, 2014 that I came across my cousin Brent's contact information after all these years.  I couldn't wait to write, to know if we could close the awful breach of our broken relationship.  The answer came quickly, yes, yes, we were family and we all wanted a new beginning.  Phone conversations, emails and a beginning visit.  A new foundation of relationship yet one built on the love of our grandparents so many years ago.  My heart is full-----

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