Friday, June 1, 2012

Varmland, Sweden 1853 My Great Grandmother Augustine

My Great Aunt Mary's Emerson Birthday Book has given me a small window into so much of my past and my heritage.  My Great-Grandmother, the mother of my much-loved Grandmother Almah, and my Great Aunts Mary and Elida was born in Edsberg, Varmland County, Segerstad Socken, Sweden on July 23, 1853. Varmland County is just west of the middle of Sweden and oh, such beautiful country.  My heart can easily travel to the place of my Great-Grandmother Augustine's birthplace in the countryside of Sweden so many years ago.   Great-Aunt Mary  in her beautiful handwriting also recorded the passing of her mother and my Great-Grandmother Augustine in her birthday book.  Augustine Steuson Nordeen passed away in Everett, Washington on September 27, 1933.  Augusta was buried on September 29th.  We will have to meet another time, my dear Great-Grandmother Augustine and I.  In the meantime God has been good to me in His gift of my heritage of those who have gone before me who were believers in Christ.

"Hemma, Hemma. Fa Vi Hvila."  "Going Home, Abide with me."

1 comment:

  1. Love the quote at the beautiful!

    Have a great day...thanks for sharing1
