Can the blessings of being the mother of two beautiful daughters be expressed in words? Such intimate thoughts and feelings of motherhood, my motherhood. A story of Snow White & Rose Red. Our Sarah, our Rachel. Sarah, first born, dark hair and eyes, beautiful bronze skin. Rachel, her baby sister, blond and blue eyed. In the very beginning, before your births, we were connected. You to me, me to you in body and spirit. The gifts of God to your dad and me. And in those joyous moments, a new reality of the call of God to love, cherish and parent our precious daughters is ever-present, an almost overwhelming mission. Oh, God, it will be a daily walk and calling upon you for your help to guide us and keep us as we pursue you in raising these beautiful girls of ours in the way you would have them to go. And so, our parenting journey began with your dad and I, two flawed people, who loved you both more than life itself, only desiring to lead you to life in Christ Jesus. We laughed and cried. We knew deep joy and depth of sorrow. The mountains tops and valleys. We've had regrets and needed forgiveness. But through it all, through it all, we've learned to trust in Jesus, learned to trust in God. We've learned to depend upon His word.
An imperfect mother and dad, two beautiful daughters. Not a work of ourselves but the beautiful grace and faithfulness of God.
"No greater joy has any man than to know his children are walking in the truth." lll John 1:4.
My darlings, my loves, my beautiful daughters, more than I could have ever longed for or dreamed of.